肺学 & 急救护理



Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for pulmonology and critical care?

The experts in the Division of Pulmonary, 急救护理 and Sleep Medicine lead the way in exceptional care. U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 我们排名第一. 5 in the nation for pulmonology (treatment of respiratory conditions).

Additional highlights of our division include:

Subspecialty expertise: Within our division, we house many programs and centers with niche services. 例如, adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) receive treatment through our program, in which all specialists have dedicated expertise in CF treatment. 我们为肺病、睡眠障碍和危重疾病提供专业服务.

World-class transplant program: 如果你需要肺移植,我们的项目是全国最好和最有经验的. We consistently lead the way in researching and implementing new techniques. 例如, we were the first in the country to use “breathing lung” transplants, a technique that enables us to preserve donor organs longer. 

Excellence in sleep medicine: 我们使用最先进的技术来诊断和治疗所有类型的睡眠障碍. 我们在11个门诊点提供全方位的睡眠测试服务. We tailor testing to each individual patient, leading to a more accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment plan.

我们的 pulmonary and critical care services

我们的肺科医生和重症监护专家提供一系列专科服务. We have many niche programs where patients receive targeted care. 我们的 areas of care include:

Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program

我们创建这个项目是为了应对越来越多的患有CF的成年人. 在这个项目中,我们专注于促进从儿科到成人护理的顺利过渡.

CF often requires care from multiple specialists. 我们把所有的团队成员聚集在一个屋檐下,这样病人就可以很容易地接触到每个专业领域. 我们的护理质量是如此卓越,这个项目已经获得了囊性纤维化基金会的认可.

Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

我们提供全面的心脏和肺(肺)康复与我们的团队在 康复服务. 多学科治疗计划包括呼吸治疗师的专业知识, 运动生理学家, certified exercise specialists and registered dietitians.

Center for Iron Disorders

Research focuses on learning more about iron disorder causes, as well as how we can better diagnose and treat these diseases. Recent studies have focused on how the intestines absorb iron, the consequences of iron deficiency and the role of iron during pregnancy.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program

慢性阻塞性肺病包括阻碍气流并导致呼吸困难的肺部疾病. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is a national COPD referral center, meaning doctors around the country trust our expertise.

我们使用超现代化的治疗方案,并与初级保健提供者密切合作,以协调有效的护理计划. 我们的 COPD team includes:

  • 位肺脏
  • 胸的外科医生
  • 呼吸治疗师
  • 研究人员


我们的 division also includes the expertise of critical care specialists. Programs in critical care medicine include: 

重症监护中心: The experts in this center span the spectrum of medical specialties. 我们的使命是加强对危重病人的研究、教育和治疗.

Medical Intensive Care Unit: 这个24张病床的单位包括管理严重和危及生命的疾病所需的所有资源和设备. 多学科团队包括肺病和重症医学委员会认证的医生以及重症护理培训的护士.

3愿望计划: 通过这个项目,我们为面临生命终结的人们实现最后的愿望. 我们的 mission is to prioritize patient dignity, celebrate lives and improve this period for patients and their families.

Division of Allergy and Immunology

我们的过敏专家提供诊断和治疗方案,以识别和管理过敏. We use a range of techniques, such as drug desensitization, food challenges and drug challenges, to identify symptom causes and find the most effective treatment.

Interstitial Lung Disease Center

间质性肺疾病中心是肺纤维化基金会护理中心的一个站点. This designation means we provide comprehensive, 对间质性肺病(导致肺组织瘢痕形成的疾病)的前沿护理. Patients from all over the country come to us for our exceptional services.  

Connective Tissue Disease - Interstitial Lung Disease (CTD-ILD) Program

一些间质性肺病患者也可能有结缔组织疾病的症状. 结缔组织是将身体结构连接在一起的身体部位. Having ILD and CTD can cause severe inflammation and internal scarring.

Through the CTD-ILD Program, a team of pulmonologists, 风湿病专家, 放射科医生 and others work together to provide comprehensive treatment. 当您来到我们的节目,我们的目标是让您有一个高效,顺利的访问. Because of our team model, 你可以看到所有你需要的专家,并在一次访问中完成任何相关的诊断测试.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们在肺癌治疗方面有着悠久的专业历史. In 1977, 国家癌症研究所指定我们的项目为肺癌研究小组仅有的七个项目之一, a national research group. 从那时起, we have continued to lead the way in prevention, 早期检测, treatment and research of lung cancer.

Lung Transplant Program

我们的 Lung Transplant Program is one of the most successful programs of its kind in the country. 自1988年以来, we have performed more than 1,000例成功的肺移植手术中,我们的肺移植数量一直在全国名列前茅. 我们是美国西部最繁忙的肺移植中心也是全国第二繁忙的.

Pulmonary Vascular Disease Program

We are internationally renowned leaders in the diagnosis, 肺血管疾病(影响肺和心脏的疾病)的治疗和研究. We treat all types of diseases that affect the lungs and heart. 例如肺栓塞(肺部的血块)和肺动脉高压(心脏和肺部之间的高血压)。. 


50多年了, 我们已经获得了美国睡眠医学学会的连续认证. We are a medical referral facility for sleep disorders, meaning other specialists recognize that we are experts in this field. We diagnose and treat sleep disorders, 以及向其他医生和皇冠hga020电脑版成员传授与睡眠有关的疾病.

Conditions pulmonologists treat  

我们的肺科医生和重症监护专家治疗各种呼吸系统疾病和危重疾病. Common conditions we treat include:

哮喘: Inflamed, narrow airways that lead to breathing difficulties.

慢性阻塞性肺病: 气流阻塞导致呼吸短促、喘息或咳嗽.

囊性纤维化: Genetic disorder that damages the lungs and digestive system.  

肺癌: When irregular cells multiply uncontrollably in the lungs.  

肺栓塞: Artery blockage in the lungs, usually caused by a blood clot.  

肺纤维化: Scarring in the lungs that can lead to thick, stiff lung tissue.   

Pulmonary hypertension: High blood pressure in the arteries that connect to your lungs.  

Pulmonary tests and procedures we offer

我们提供一系列与肺部和重症监护医学相关的诊断和治疗程序. 这些包括:

Arterial line placement: 插入一个小小的, 空心管(导管)进入你的动脉之一,以持续监测血压. 

支气管镜检查: 放置一个小的, 装有照相机的照明仪器,通过你的鼻子或嘴巴来观察你的呼吸道和肺部.

置胸管: 在胸腔内外层(胸膜间隙)之间插入一根管子以排出液体, 血还是气.

Endotracheal intubation: 将一根管子插入气管(气管)以打开气道并允许呼吸的过程, often done in an emergency.

Pulmonary artery catheterization: 将导管插入你的肺动脉(连接心脏和肺的动脉)来诊断心脏和肺的状况.

肺量测定法: 一种肺功能测试,测量你能从肺部呼出多少空气, as well as how easily you can do it.

Thoracentesis and closed pleural biopsy: 将针插入胸膜间隙,取出一小块组织样本进行诊断测试.

Meet the pulmonology and critical care team

我们的团队不断设定和提高肺病学,重症监护和睡眠医学的标准. We are leaders in research, education and patient care.


呼叫 310-825-8061 to request an appointment with a pulmonary specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


我们的肺科和重症监护团队提供全面的,最先进的护理. To learn more about our services, call 310-825-8061.
