
As leaders in pediatric kidney care, we offer the latest therapies and well-rounded support. 我们的专家推进研究,使治疗更安全、更有效.

Father And Daughter Having Consultation With Pediatrician In Hospital Office


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院儿科肾脏病科工作, 我们照顾婴儿, 患有各种肾脏疾病的儿童和青少年. 当你来找我们时,你会发现:

以儿童为中心的肾病护理: Our pediatric experts specialize in caring for children with kidney disease. We understand their unique needs as well as the many ways kidney disease can impact their health as they grow. 专注于优化增长和发展, 我们提供心理和社会支持, 有针对性的营养服务和富有同情心, 全面的护理. 我们满足您孩子的需求,同时为您的整个家庭提供支持.  

方便诊所: Our team offers full-service care at several locations throughout the Los Angeles area. 在文图拉的外展诊所, 柳叶刀》, 橄榄景医疗中心和韦斯特伍德, 我们把我们的专业知识带到你生活的地方. We are committed to providing outstanding care that’s easily accessible to you and your child.

国家认可的项目: The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Nephrology Program is ranked among the top programs in the United States, 根据 U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道.

肾移植成功拥有全国最高的成功率, our Pediatric Kidney Transplant Program leads the nation in volume and outcomes. 超过1500名儿童在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心接受了肾脏移植手术. Our transplant physicians and surgeons are recognized as among the best in the world. We have pioneered the latest medical advances that address the unique needs of children receiving kidney transplants, 确保最佳的长期成功和正常的成长和发展. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 experts created the Kidney Exchange Program to improve access to living-donor transplants. 了解更多关于肾脏交换计划的信息.

研究和临床试验改善治疗方法, 我们的团队进行前沿研究, including trials for new drugs to treat anemia and bone problems that can result from chronic kidney disease. Active clinical trials led by UCLA physicians address the most effective ways to prevent kidney transplant rejection in children. We’re also dedicated to training and educating future leaders in the field of pediatric nephrology.


Our team is skilled at diagnosing and treating all types of kidney disease in children. We deliver an accurate diagnosis so we can work with you to provide effective treatments. 我们提供的服务包括:


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校儿科肾脏病健康皇冠hga025工作, we provide diagnosis and treatment for infants and children with diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. 我们关心 for children who need kidney dialysis and children who need or have had a kidney transplant.

当肾脏不能正常工作时, 孩子们会经历一系列的问题, 包括学习挑战, 行为问题和成长不良. That’s why our well-rounded approach to care includes medical treatments as well as therapy and nutritional guidance. 我们还提供社会心理支持, 哪个更关注孩子的心理, 情感和社会幸福感.

Care for children with specific genetic and other bone disorders in addition to those associated with kidney disease

The Pediatric Bone Program at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital brings together internationally recognized experts from pediatric nephrology, 整形外科手术, 遗传学和其他专业. 我们关心 for children with mineral and bone disorders that result from chronic kidney disease (CKD).

除了ckd相关的骨损伤, we also manage and treat a wide range of other bone disorders in children with normal kidney function. 其中包括儿童骨质疏松症,它会导致骨骼变得脆弱. We also help children with specific genetic disorders that lead to bone fragility, 如成骨不全症(脆性骨病), 佝偻病和其他疾病.

我们的专家团队提供生化分析, 基因检测, 影像学和骨活检在骨病诊断和治疗中的应用. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康科尼弗兰克骨性核心实验室提供全方位服务, 最先进的实验室处理和分析骨组织. We are one of the few CLIA-certified medical centers in the nation equipped to analyze bone biopsy samples to diagnose, 评估和治疗骨骼疾病. CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) are a set of requirements established by federal agencies that regulate lab testing.


我们的团队擅长帮助患有各种肾脏疾病的儿童, 包括慢性(长期)和危及生命的疾病. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家合作, 包括儿科泌尿科和儿科内分泌科的专家, 来治疗这些疾病.

Kidney diseases cause problems with how the kidneys filter waste and toxins out of the body. We specialize in treating the full range of problems affecting the kidneys, including:

先天性异常(出生时出现的疾病): Hydronephrosis (swollen kidneys that result from urine backing up and collecting in the urinary tract) happens when there’s a blockage in the urethra. 尿道是将尿液从肾脏输送到膀胱的管道. 我们也治疗其他先天性肾脏问题,如肾脏反流. This happens when a faulty valve in the bladder causes urine to back up into the kidneys.

肾病和慢性肾病(CKD): Several types of kidney disease can result from a wide range of conditions. 囊性肾病可在出生时出现. 它会导致肾脏出现囊肿(充满液体的囊). 未经处理的, 肾脏疾病可导致贫血(红细胞水平低), 骨骼疾病, 生长不良和肾衰竭.

肾结石肾脏会形成晶体或结石,导致剧烈疼痛. In children, kidney stones usually develop as a result of too much salt in the diet.

肾病综合症这种情况是由肾脏疾病引起的. It causes abnormal amounts of protein in the urine (proteinuria) and can lead to swelling throughout the body.  在严重情况下, this can occur because of inflammation in the kidneys (glomerulosclerosis/glomerulonephritis).

系统性红斑狼疮肾炎这种肾病是由狼疮引起的, 一种引起关节问题的自身免疫性疾病, 皮肤, 大脑和其他器官.


Our team provides the entire spectrum of the latest treatments and therapies, 包括在几个地方的住院和门诊透析. 我们定制每一个治疗方案,以满足您的孩子的需求. 我们提供:

慢性肾脏疾病管理, 包括治疗贫血和高血压的药物, 根据需要补充膳食和生长激素.

血液透析, 它使用一种特殊的机器来清除和过滤血液中的废物, 然后把它送回身体. 这些治疗方法可以帮助那些肾功能不全的病人, 可以在我们的透析中心或在家里进行. We are the only medical center in Southern California that has a children’s program for home hemodialysis.

腹膜透析, which uses the lining of the belly to filter blood while it’s in the body. 这种治疗在家里进行.

肾移植, to implant a new kidney from a healthy donor when a patient no longer has adequate kidney function.


适当的饮食在治疗肾脏疾病中起着至关重要的作用. Our team includes registered dietitians with specialized experience in pediatric kidney disease. We offer customized nutrition plans and guidance based on your child’s specific nutritional requirements.

We focus on the needs of our patients and their families to optimize each child’s growth, 发展和情感健康. 同时鼓励儿童采取健康的生活方式, 我们强调适合年龄的锻炼和体育活动. 我们也协助药物管理, helping kids and families establish a routine so they’ll remember to take medications at certain times.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our team of board-certified doctors are internationally renowned experts in pediatric nephrology. 我们会与注册营养师协调您孩子的护理, pediatric surgeons and other specialists to deliver effective treatments and support.


Renata Pereira博士
Renata Pereira博士


呼叫 310-825-0867 联系皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的儿科肾病专家.


我们的肾脏专家专注于您孩子的全面需求. 呼叫 310-825-0867 联系儿科肾病专家.

美国皇冠hga025最佳儿童医院2023-24 -肾脏病